Opening hours
Our Library is open to our community on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Librarian staff
Ms Sharpe is the qualified Teacher Librarian.
Mrs Borel is our school's technical assistant for the Library.
When to visit
Students may visit the Library in their lunch times on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. If The Beanstalk is growing out the window it means you can come up & visit.
Remember you don't have to wait until your library lesson to access the Library resources and services.
Every child can 'log on' to a host of sites and preview titles prior to coming to the Library.
Go through your Student portal, scroll down to Oliver Library after agreeing to the terms of the portal.
You can find the information about the Premier's Reading Challenge plus many more DET approved websites to help you your interests or school work!
Library collections policy (docx 59 KB) see also appendix b
Resources for parents
The Library has a small range of books that parents might find helpful in various situations.
Titles include stories that deal with divorce, death and resilience, just to name a few. Browse through the list of titles for parent loan (docx 469 KB)