The Enfield Public School P&C Association are very active in fundraising and providing support to the school's teaching and learning programs. They meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the school and online via Zoom.
The P&C will warmly welcome any parents, carers or community members to attend our meetings. Membership is not necessary to attend, it’s only needed to become a voting member.
The P&C is a not-for-profit organisation established to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close cooperation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
The P&C has provided supplementary funding to every teacher to improve the classroom environment, subsidised the schools’ purchases of technology, lighting & hall audio and improvements around the grounds. The P&C also organises and runs many school events like discos and BBQs with our members and volunteers from the school community.
Being involved in your school helps maintain our amazing and diverse community, the kids love it, and your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
At P&C meetings you will meet other parents who are community minded and care deeply about making our children’s school better, hear directly from the Principal, be able to ask questions, make suggestions and volunteer for projects that directly benefit the school community.
For a meeting invitation and to submit agenda items please contact the P&C Secretary by email:
Look for more P&C information on the school noticeboard, the school newsletter, the school app and notes the kids bring home.